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Research Young People with CHD and Autism/ADHD

Physiotherapy in children with CHD

Developing research culture, capacity and capability

The CCNA Nurses Day at the BCCA Conference 7th November 2022 focused on nursing research, nurse-led quality improvement projects and perspectives from clinical practice.

We had a great programme,

Our first keynote speakers, Dr Kerry Gaskin and Dr Robyn Lotto, gave us an overview of how research is everyone’s business, they considered the national context and initated discussions about getting started with research. They invited delegates to particpate in a research culture survey – see link, to explore the culture, capability and capacity in congenital cardiac services

Here are a few of the slides from their presentation:

Kerry discussed the national context in relation to the CHD standards, evidence based practice and nursing research
Kerry talked about the RCN guidance published in 2021 includes reference to nursing research roles
Robyn discussed how people think you develop as a researcher
…………………..and how you actually develop in reality
Robyn provided a list of useful resources